Friday, August 19, 2011

I Need To Get In Shape!!!

So....You have a reached a certain point in your life where you are starting to realize...."I'm not young anymore". All thru our early years, we have worn a cloak of invincibility where we feel healthy as a horse. Nothing can bother us. We can eat what we want, run on little sleep, indulge in vices, and we are strong enough to fight off anything that comes our way. Exercise is an "option", not the norm. But now we've come to this point. Our bodies are more sluggish, and don't look as impressive as they once did. That's when it hits us. That phrase that everyone utters to themselves, either out loud or in their head...."I need to start taking care of myself better".


It's a great moment in our lives because now, we start to understand that we control our fate and being a healthier person is very important going forward. So now, we have our new mission in life..."We're gonna get that good stuff. But then that nagging question hits us..."What do I do??" We've never been on a diet before, never really exercised, never thought about this stuff. "Where do I begin??" We'll here are some tips for the out of shape person looking to reinvent themselves and become a healthier human being.

  • Well the first thing that I can recommend that we change first is our mentality. The road to good health starts in our head. We have to be determined and disciplined enough to want to better ourselves. That may be biggest hurdle we have to climb. But if we can do that, then sky is the limit and your body will love you for it 

    •  Another good thing I could recommend would be to list all of your vices you may have and really consider either cutting back or quitting them all together. Things like smoking, drinking, drug use will, no doubt, have adverse effects on our bodies. So it is important that we really consider doing away with those harmful things.

    • The next thing I would suggest is a visit to the good ol' doctors office. A thorough checkup is a good idea just to make sure everything is runnin' smoothly. If any issues may be occurring, the doc can inform you and let you know how to treat it and get you back on the path of healthiness.

    • Cut down on the crappy, greasy, sugary, foods that you eat. As the saying goes....we are what we eat. And if we eat crap...we can't expect to feel great. Less fried stuff...more fruits and veggies. Desserts in moderation. Cut down on sodas and artificial drinks for more healthier alternatives like fresh juices and water. Grains are good too. More grains, the better. Whole wheat instead of white bread is a definite start.


      • Exercise!!! Get up, get out, get active. Now when I say exercise, I don't necessarily mean you have to automatically shell out cash for a gym platinum package. A good walk or a jog is a nice start. Just make sure you do a 'lil something active to get the blood pumping. 15 to 30 minutes a day can do wonders. 

      • Stick to your routine!! There will be days where you just don't feel like doing anything. Or you just want to pig out and eat what you want. And that is normal. But don't destroy all of your progress in one fell swoop. Its ok to indulge once in awhile when it comes to food. Just use moderation. And know that you'll just have to work a little harder next time to offset that. As far as getting motivated to exercise on those days when you don't want to.....just try to think about the impact a healthier lifestyle will have on your overall well-being. Think about your family and loved ones and how by trying to become a healthier person will give you more time to enjoy the special moments in life. 

      So there you have it. Start today to become a more healthier you. Your body will thank you for it :) 



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