Friday, August 19, 2011

I Need To Get In Shape!!!

So....You have a reached a certain point in your life where you are starting to realize...."I'm not young anymore". All thru our early years, we have worn a cloak of invincibility where we feel healthy as a horse. Nothing can bother us. We can eat what we want, run on little sleep, indulge in vices, and we are strong enough to fight off anything that comes our way. Exercise is an "option", not the norm. But now we've come to this point. Our bodies are more sluggish, and don't look as impressive as they once did. That's when it hits us. That phrase that everyone utters to themselves, either out loud or in their head...."I need to start taking care of myself better".


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Style Spotlight: Simply Fabulous

Pic Courtesy of Simply Fabulous

Being original in your style is what makes everyone unique. Whether its how you carry yourself, how you put together your outfit, or how you accessorize. And it doesn't end there. In the age of technology, even the way we show off our varies gadgets can tell a story of our personal style. I had the privilege of connecting with Shauntoni Curtis, the creator of Simply Fabulous.  The company specializes in custom crystal cell phone cases as well as other personal gadgets such as iPads, iPods, Nintendo DS's and more. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

UPTOWN Magazine » Art Fusion: Where Fashion Meets Art

Atlanta, GA - Art Fusion blended fashion, visual art, photography and entertainment at Drexina Nelson Studios on August 5. .::. Photo credit: Paras Griffin

Photo credit: Paras Griffin

UPTOWN Magazine » Art Fusion: Where Fashion Meets Art
(Read More Here)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Style Spotlight: x1981x Clothing Company

Pics courtesy of x1981x
 A new, social conscience apparel company is poised to take the world by storm.  x1981x Clothing Company is an online retail business that specializes in gear with a special message, advocating  a clean way of living. x1981x got its start in by printing t-shirts for "Hellfest",which started as a hardcore punk music festival during the summer of 1996 in Syracuse, New York. Named for the intense summer heat at the show, it soon became a staple festival for the hardcore and punk rock scene. Hellfest, known for its fan-friendly atmosphere, its social-awareness focused on issues such as animal rights. Many of its attendees were followers of the Straight Edge and/or Vegan lifestyles. And it was after its cancellation in 2005,that the company began to set its focus to the online retail world. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Snapback Craze....

     It appears a once urban craze of the 90's is making a comeback some 20 years later. Those of us who grew up in that time remember the crazy styles, champion shirts, and Carhartt jackets. Baggy jeans, and Harlems. And of course, Starter hats. Everyone remembers this commercial (See kids....Curve Bill > Flat bill.) But like everything, times changed and the fitted hat era began in the mid to late 90's. And once you go fitted, you don't go back......or do you.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Power Of The Wife-Beater (The Shirt....That Is...)

Image from

The sleeveless t-shirt....aka, the wife beater has become a staple of fashion for many. They are light, cheap, and on the right person, just downright hot. For all the designer tops and pants available, there is something about a woman wearing a wife beater that is just unbelievably sexy. I know....women find them sexy on a guy too...but this is my blog post so I'm gonna steer this more for the fellas (no offense ladies :) ) A beautiful woman wearing nothing more than a wife beater and a pair of sweatpants or those short shorts can be the most gorgeous site in the world.
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